We are in the process of gathering contact information for all of our classmates. This information will be used to create a class directory that will be distributed at the class reunion. The directory will include contact information as well as ads for businesses owned by our classmates.
We would like to include contact information for all of our classmates. If your class representives do not currently have your contact information, please send your current home address, phone number and email address to Even if you are unsure if you will be able to attend the reunion, we would still like to include your information, so please forward your information.
If you are a business owner, you may also email an ad or business card to advertise your business. There is no charge to include your ad in the directory. The reunion email address is
Please share this information with other classmates you are in touch with. We do not want anyone to be excluded!
The reunion committee is working hard to ensure the reunion is a success! We hope to see you at the reunion! It will be a great time to become reacquainted with old friends!