


Unfortunately, our class reunion planned for June 20 and 2014 has been canceled. If you have already paid your reunion fees, please be advised that your refund will be processed. You can expect to receive your refund within the next 2-3 weeks!




Welcome to the 1988 - 1993 Watson Chapel High School Multi Class reunion site! Please use this part of the site to get reacquainted with your classmates, leave messages, share your favorite school memories, share your photos, etc.

Our   class reunion is fast approaching and will be held the weekend of June 20 and 21, 2014. Please mark your calendars and start making plans to attend.

If you are in contact with anyone from the classes of 1988 - 1993, please have them email their contact information to wchsreunion2014@gmail.com, so that we can keep them updated on the reunion plans.


As more reunion details are confirmed, the information you need will be added here.You will also be able to pay your reunion fees on this website.

We look forward to seeing you in June 2014!

FREE Class Reunion Websites from ClassQUEST